The musings of a mid-western high school graduate that has poor grammar and syntax skills.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Dan's Guide to Internet Dating
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Target Gurl
So the other day I decided to go to Target, and see if I could chat up Target girl. Now for those of you who don't know who Target girl is, all you need to know is she's the girl for me. She's super friendly, fit, and just the sight of her makes your teeth feel white and clean.
In order to talk to this girl I had to get something, since she primarily worked the cash register. I mean, I don't want her to think I'm some sort of weirdo who only goes to Target to hit on her. It's true, but she doesn't need to know that.
I wasn't sure what to get, so I thought about some of the coolest things I could get that would either impress her, or give her clues about my personality. Last week I bought deodorant, and a razor from her. I wanted to show her that I was a man who believed in smelling nice, and liked to have a freshly shaved face once in a while.
A few weeks before that I bought season one of the A-Team, and season two of Modern Family. I wanted to show her then that I had an appreciation for older television shows, and that I am also up-to-date on what's funny now. Not only that, but I have enough money in the bank to buy something that I could already watch on Netflix. I wanted her to see that I still felt there was value in supporting the things that you like.
Another time I wanted her to know that I had a nice car, so I bought leather seat wipes. I also bought hummus and pita bread, with some rice, and a medley of vegetables. That was to show her that I knew how to prepare food.
Unfortunately as soon as I walked in to Target I forgot that I came to talk to Target girl. So I panicked a little, and tried to remember what product I needed. In order to jog my memory I decided to wander the store.
As I was wandering I came across some Hello Kitty duct tape, and just had to buy it. Then I picked up some trash bags for some yard work I was doing, a cute little stuffed animal for my nephew, and some baby oil since I was going to paint the deck later that weekend (baby oil is good at removing latex paint).
As I was walking up to the checkout I realized the reason why I came. I was there to flirt it up with Target girl. Frantically I went searching for something, anything, to impress her with. I looked at food processors, something called a melon baller, TV's, weird self help books. Then in a moment of misbegotten clarity, I decided to pick up a big box of condoms.
My rationale for this was she would think that I was a firm believer in keeping sex safe, was disease free, and was of the middle class. The reason why I chose the big box of them was because I wanted her to think that I wasn't out of practice, and that I had a good social life.
As I proudly took my items up to the counter I realized my horrific mistake. I was getting Hello Kitty duct tape, trash bags, stuffed animal, baby oil and a lot of condoms. At worst I looked like a child predator. At best I looked like a slut.
When I got up to her, she noticed, and I came clean.
"I can explain, the stuffed animal is for my nephew, trash bags are for the garden, the baby oil is to remove paint, and the condoms are for... uh, a shelter. The Hello Kitty duct tape, however, is exactly what it appears to be."
Summerfest Memories
I'm going to Summerfest tomorrow. Going to watch my friends play on the Refugee stage, for the second summer in a row. It's always fun hanging out with those guys, even though I'm sure most of them will probably be violating the terms of their parole by leaving Madison.
I remember last year talking to Davy as he was disabling his ankle monitoring bracelet. We were discussing the finer things in life, like wine and the finest of cheeses, when we I realized he was leering at magazine cover with Dakota Fanning on the front.
"How many years in prison do you think I'd get if I kidnapped her", Davy said, wiping saliva from his mouth.
"I'm not sure, dude. I think that'd also be a federal crime. Are you sure you want to mess with that?"
Davy's shoulders sunk, "aw, I guess not."
Back then Joe was single, and he was in the middle of writing a pamphlet on making love during that time. I tried talking to him about the logistics of getting back home, and he would just describe vile, sex acts. In retrospect I think that was Joe's way of shutting down, and not letting anyone in. It was a dark time for Joe. His pet guinea pig died, and his weed dealer was on vacation.
Drew was kind of the same as he is now. But I remember with particular clarity that he was in the process of sexting a 16 year old Dutch foreign exchange student. Sickened by his pedophile nature, I was determined to set him straight.
"Drew, what the hell is wrong with you?""Dan, part of society's problem is that we threw out an arbitrary number, and said anyone younger than that number is off limits. When, in actuality, we've been fucking anything that could give birth since the beginning of time. Besides, this girls 16 now, but in 2 short years she'll be ready. I gotta mold her like Jell-o. Girls are like glove, paco. You got to break them in, or else they're of no use for you..."
Mooney at that time was just starting to get into wearing fashionably unfashionable hats. Most of our conversations centered around modern socialist philosophers, and the best type of pith helmet for a man on a budget.
Jeremiah, the quiet one of the group, spent most of his times back then reading books. Not normal books though. He would read erotic re-tellings of the Harry Potter books. While reading he would write between the margins, what Lord only knows.
One time I happened upon one of Jeremiah's books unattended. I was curious to read an erotic Harry Potter book, since I had never done so. It was then that the dark side of Jeremiah's brooding nature revealed itself.
Drawn in great detail on one of the pages was an enormous sketch of Jeremiah nude, having sex with Mars, and ejaculating flames on tiny Inuit villages. His subtle racism of the Inuit people became quite overt since that time.
Josh was the drummer back then, and his wife had just popped out kid number 2. Oh wait, no, she was just about to pop out kid number 2. I remember this vividly because he was busy drunkenly telling everyone who would listen. He spent 3 hours talking to a ground squirrel, attempting to show it pictures of his daughter, and ultrasounds pictures of his soon-to-be born son.
Chandon was by far the worst offender. Not a dame could walk by without him staring at them with that perverse grin on his face. His brow furrowed, a full can of PBR tipped as beer spilled to the ground in a steady cascade. He just sat there, mesmerized. I asked him what he was looking at. His response, after several moments, was, "dinner."
Top 25 Things I Say to Women
Top 25 Things I say to women:
- Don't wince
- Don't make it weird
- Pregnant women on Papau New Guinea can lift at least 50 pounds of potatoes on their heads. All I'm asking is that you push my car down the road half a mile so I don't waste gas. What? It has wheels.
- Either lose, like, five pounds immediately or get the hell out of my office.
- I'm not paying you $25 for a date. Because that makes me a john...
- What? I should be mad at you.
- They ran out of beer. Here's 5 shots of whiskey... hurry up.
- That doesn't get me off anymore. I'm into something... darker.
- Can we get your sister in the mix?
- Look I'm sorry. Well, okay, I'm not sorry.
- I love you. Now about those pictures I asked for...
- Act like you enjoy this. You're ruining the moment.
- I'd date you, but what if we got married and had kids? I couldn't look my kid in the eye and not feel guilty for marrying a woman who gave them such unfortunate faces.
- Just drink it. It's not like you'll remember anything anyway.
- I like you... um, I take that silence as, uh, sniff. I gotta go work out.
- Try not to touch my leather seats with your bare skin. It... sickens me.
- We're not going on a date. Because your mouth is huge. What happens when we kiss? I'm not going out how male praying mantises do.
- Why am I nude? Why aren't you?
- I think I misread the pamphlet...
- I killed this plant for you.
- Look at this... look at this... look at this. Awww, aren't bunnies cute?
- That too
- I wish you wouldn't kick me in the groin so much. I'm not complaining. It just hurts after a bit.
- Quick question... hair straightener, is it okay to leave on next to a stack of magazines?
- Please, stop talking about the guys you banged... I just met you.
My Time at Copp's
I'm in a foul mood, so I'm going to take it out on your eyes and your brain.
A few months ago I was leaving the Copps on the east side of Sun Prairie. I like going to that one because it's close to the high school, and well, high school girls have two things going for them: functioning metabolisms, and they have this faux sluttiness fueled by their insecurities.
I mean, who wasn't insecure a little bit in high school? We all were. That's why there was drama, that's why we wore clothes we swore we're never going to wear again.
Anyhow, so I like to look. Creepy? Not really. I'm not going out of my way to scope them out, I'm not going to try to bang them. Nah, I just want to see what an 18 year old girl looks like when she's not puking her guts out at a frat party.
So anyhow I'm leaving Copps with my Diet Coke, Perrier, and chocolate milk. Have you ever left a room and then all of a sudden been startled by someone just outside the door?
Well, that's what happened. Just as I was coming out of the doors I see these two high school girls. I accidentally checked them out, and accidentally gave them feedback in the form of a "hey what's going on, little lady". I didn't say it out loud, but my eyes screamed it pretty loud.
I felt pretty awful. I didn't mean to do it. I mean, my brain is programmed to react to boobs, and we consider people with youthful appearances to be beautiful. So I had no choice, it was all automatic. It's not like my brain is able to check their ID's, or make an assumption of age before it goes all "check that shit out".
Sadly, what's worse about this story is the reaction I got from the girls. They checked me out too, and their eyes screamed, "hey guy, what are you doing later?"
We share a nervous laugh, and I made my way to my car. Vowing not to go there again.
I guess I do have boundaries. Being eye-fucked by, hopefully, 18 year olds, makes me feel dirty. Dirty enough to call the police and try to turn myself. Seriously.
After I texted Joe Golemb, "Uh, dude, eye-fucked by younglings... am I going to jail?" I went to the Sun Prairie police, and asked them if I was going to jail. I explained what happened, and all they did was say, "Nice... just nice."
My Pet Peeves
Pet Peeves:
- Pants on a warm day
- Putting socks on
- Making sure the shampoo covers my entire head
- People who have 40 coupons, and don't bother telling the cashier until after everything's been totaled.
- Finding a package of OREOS, only to find 1/3 of an OREO is left in the package.
- Falling down stairs while holding a box
- Waiting
- People who don't get a joke, and try to correct me
- Cellulite
- Hats
- 50 year old hippies with curly hair who won't let you brush their hair
- Aging
- Going on a first date and realizing in the first five minutes that the bitch be crazy boring
- Eating most of a cupcake, only to find out on the last bite that it was moldy
- Using the gym bathroom and noticing someone peed all over the seat
- People who stop in the crosswalk
- Honda Civics
- Honda Fits
- Smart cars, and people who think they're awesome
- Going to ladies night, then realizing it's a gay bar
- People who give me their philosophy on life while they're drunk at a bar on a Wednesday afternoon
- Girls that don't tip me after a date
- Sunburn and bad tattoos
- Hearing a boring story twice
- Hearing any story that doesn't relate to me
- People who don't understand how great I am
- People that light off a twenty minute barrage of fireworks at 2:30 in the morning
- Old people yelling at me for doing something foolish, then asking me why I did it. I'm young, and in love, that's why I burned the word "Fuck" in your lawn, old man
- Being proved wrong
- Finding long strands of hair in my milk
- Having someone tell me the book was better than the movie. No shit.
- Road trips that end in Detroit
- People who use the same five machines at the gym for over an hour, but use only two, until you come over
This is What I Do
The other day I came across a campus tour, and decided to lend a hand. I grabbed a red-shirt, found a gaggle of touristy looking kids and lead them on, what I like to call, Dan's Tour of the UW Campus, and its Auxiliary Bars, Head Shops and Porn Stores in Driving Distance.
I didn't really know much about the history of the campus, nor did I really know where the Chem building was. But I did teach them valuable lessons on what bars had the best drink specials, where you could score coke, and how to spot a coastie.
A lot of the kids didn't really seem to enjoy my lessons, and those kids were nerds, so I didn't care. What I did care about was this nubile looking brunette who kept giving me the doe eyes. I figured the best way into her pa... heart... was by losing the rest of the jerk-offs on the tour, and getting her drunk. Very drunk.
I couldn't get her drunk right away, since as you recall, I had a bunch of incoming freshmen to contend with. They started asking me all sorts of lame ass questions about the library, and the professors, and where John Muir's dorm was. Maybe they were just interested in the school they were going to go to in a few months, or they were trying to get between me and the nubile brunette.
I decided the best way to shut the tour group up, and get distract them while I went to my car and banged the brunette, was to take them to a bar, and get them hammered.
Sounds easy, right? Wrong. These kids must have been from out of state, because right before they entered the bar they hesitated. Classic newbie move. When you're going into a bar, and you're underage, you should never hesitate. That's a sure way to get carded. Thankfully it was a campus bar, so no one cared.
I knew that these kids had probably never touched a drop of booze in their life, so I bought the first round for all of them. One pitcher of Schlitz, and a for the lady I ordered a Bastard on the Beach. If you're unfamiliar with Bastard on the Beach, look it up.
I knew this girl would be all over me by stage two, The Dying Bastard, so I tried my best to separate myself and the girl from the tour group. It was going just fine until this walking Aeropostale ad comes over and starts telling me how awesome I am.
Now, I love me some compliments, but not when they get in the way of me taking advantage of a naive 18 year old. No sir. That is number one on my list of pet peeves, followed closely by girls that say "no".
But this kid isn't leaving, and he's coming dangerously close to my prey. It's about there that my Columbo investigatory skills pick up on what's going down. This kid is her boyfriend.
No matter, I say to myself, you've wormed your way into tighter positions. It's just a high school romance, their love isn't real. Besides, the pickings are still easy. Sure the younger guy may have been there for her when she got her first abortion, and sure he may still have hope in humanity, but I'm no slough. I have a car, a backseat, I can buy booze, and I have a cooler life than they could ever dream.
So I do what I had to do. I bought the guy a pitcher of Long Island Iced Tea, and pointed him towards the sluttiest girl in the tour. Thank God for rum, because the kid started taking some sips, and before any of us knew it he was talking about the Porsche his daddy bought him for graduation.
God damn it, a Porsche? All I got for graduation was a Wal-Mart gift card for $3.50.
There I was alone with this girl. Then I realized she drank all of the Bastard on the Beach. She was lights out, slurring, purring, and just about everywhere. Then she uttered the words every guy like me hates to hear, "w-where's my b-boyfriend?"
"Cheating on you in the alleyway."
"That prick, his daddy bought h-him a Porsche, y-you know?"
"Well, I bought myself a Milan. Want to see it..."
A Day in the Life of Dan
10:41 AM - Wake up, take a few moments to wait for the room to stop spinning.
10:53 AM - Room has not stopped spinning. Say, "fuck it," stumble out of bed. Rifle through piles of clothes, Perrier bottles, and pillows. Slam protein shake from fridge next to bed.
10:58 AM - Realize it's a weekday, and I need to get paid. Look in mirror to see if I need to take a shower.
11:03 AM - Still looking in mirror.
11:07 AM - Jump into shower, shaving face will need to wait until tomorrow.
11:10 AM - Deodorant: check. Ears clean: check. Hair pomaded: check (I can't believe pomaded is a word...). Teeth brushed: check. Floss: fuck it.
11:11 AM - Must find keys! Grab Greek yogurt for lunch and V8.
11:17 AM - No keys yet. Plead with God. Curse. Weep.
11:18 AM - Curse God.
11:19 AM - Take back what I said about God.
11:21 AM - Keys found out door.
11:22 AM - Look at MP3 player, think about what music I want to listen to on the ride in to work.
11:24 AM - I guess I can listen to Streetlight Manifesto again.
11:25 AM - Begin commute. Sext random girl. Hey baby. If I said you had a great body, would you send me pictures of it?
11:50 AM - Driving down East Washington in Madison, curse at all the terrible drivers. Flick off Subaru with liberal bumper stickers and Vermont license plate for going 25 in a 35.
11:52 AM - Have Subaru I flicked off pull up next to me at stop light. Try to find something to fidget with...
12:18 PM - Turn onto Park Street, and head towards St. Mary's hospital. Begin looking for a parking spot in the residential neighborhoods.
12:25 PM - Still looking for a freaking spot. Come up with silly Facebook status: Titanic Titties Titillate Titular Title Characters
12:28 PM - Parked, get stuff together, stagger into Alumni Hall.
12:31 PM - Look at clock... wonder out loud, "how did it take me 3 minutes to walk a half a block?"
12:32 PM - Get stopped by acquaintance. Talk about her kids.
12:43 PM - Make my escape, run up the two flights of stairs, and walk to my office.
12:46 PM - Look at watch. Wonder how it took me 3 minutes to get up 2 flights of stairs running.
12:47 PM - Enter office, say "hello" to Randy, and commence small talk.
12:48 PM - Small talk is over (we're guys, we don't need half an hour for small talk). Turn on computer. Try to remember password.
12:49 PM - On third attempt remember password. Check mail. Check Facebook. Send Facebook sext to different girl, I thought I saw you on the way in to work today. Turns out it was a hairy Italian. Get your mustache shaved, bitch. (Some girls are really in to abuse).
12:53 PM - Finish work. Hop on Internet. Look at pictures of cute animals. Curse every once in a while to make it look like I'm doing shit.
1:35 PM - Boss comes in, close YouTube video of Panda sneezing, maximize window containing spreadsheet.
1:36 PM - Listen to boss talk. Nod head. Be praised for coming in earlier than normal. Listen to boss talk about children. Try not to tell her about the time I saw her kid shoot up heroin, and kill a hooker.
1:59 PM - Say good bye to boss. Look at Facebook. Send chat message to girl from this morning, Did you get my sext? Uh, yeah, Dan. Can you stop doing that. Not gonna happen. You're an asshole, and I hope you get dick cancer. Won't happen, God loves me. Oh yeah, how do you know that? Because I was born a man. Listen, I'm getting hungry. Later...
2:05 PM - Pull out yogurt and V8. Slam V8. Look around desk for spoon.
2:06 PM - Make way to reception, steal spoons without receptionist noticing. Avoid eye-contact with people.
2:07 PM - Make sure Katie and Amy aren't in their office. Steal soda from fridge. Rifle through their desks, steal office supplies.
2:08 PM - Crack open soda, plop open yogurt.
2:09 PM - Clean yogurt spray out of eyes. Curse cows.
2:10 PM - Finish food. Bored. Tell Randy I'm hitting the dusty trail.
2:13 PM Get to car. Realize I left my keys in office.
2:16 PM - Get back to office to hear my co-workers talking about how fat my head has gotten. Nervously grab keys from desk.
2:19 PM - Hop in car... try to figure out what band to listen to on ride home.
2:21 PM - Streetlight Manifesto it is!
2:35 PM - Make impromptu pit stop on the way home to Copp's.
2:38 PM - Grab Perrier, seasoning salt, and Diet Coke. Pay in fast lane.
2:39 PM - Wonder how I was able to do all that in one minute... realize it's because I'm awesome.
2:40 PM - Take long way home, speed. Think about hot bitches.
2:55 PM - Get home. Change into gym attire, and plan to run.
3:00 PM - Sleep.
3:59 PM - Wake up to cat licking nose. Burst awake, and get started on supper.
___________ This Shit Is Hard to Write______ I'm so Sleepy________ I'll Finish this Tomorrow___________________
The Virtues of Pineapple Juice
This is an e-mail I sent at work, talking about the virtues of pineapple juice. Ya'll should read it, because pineapple juice is awesome.
Word. There's some pineapple juice in the fridge, yo. It's all good and shit. It's got 75% of your daily vitamin C, loads of other nutrients your body needs to fight bitches like the flu, the cold, the dehydration, and most importantly the need. Fight the need for getting down and dying from things like cancer, strokes, heart disease and that sugary bitch diabetes.
Grab a dixie cup, shake the pitcher, and pour that delicious health tonic in. Worried about calories? Pfft, ain't hardly a thang. Worried about sugar? Girl, it's all natural. Worried about lookin' like a fool? Drink this elixir and everybody else gonna look the fool, dawg.
Get your guzzle on, because this is the future. If Black Beard had access to this we'd be speaking pirate right now. Jesus drank this stuff, and we still talkin' about him. You know who didn't drink this? Jonathan Wilfred Ashleigh. Who is he you ask? Exactly.
Top 25 Things I Instantly Regretted Seeing on the Internet
Here's another request from Chandon. A list of things that I instantly regretted seeing on the Internet. This one will be hard because Chandon also requested that I do this list with a minimal amount of porn references. Since the Internet is 90% porn, I have my work cut out for me.
- A video of an elephant being hung
- Blue waffle
- Picture of an octogenarian at Wal-Mart in fishnets, sagging everywhere, with tons of hairy moles
- Pictures on Facebook of a girl being felt up. The story goes, a few years ago, I was dating this girl, and I was going to take her to the Field Museum in Chicago. Well the day we were supposed to leave, she told me that she wasn't feeling the best. So we didn't go. The next day up pop these pictures of her on Facebook at a party, getting groped and making out with other guys.
- Watching a 15 minute video of a kid with down syndrome trying to push a cart up a small flight of stairs.
- Any before and after picture of Tara Reid. She used to be so pretty
- Picture of worms living inside of a wound in some guy's skull
- Two words: Mouse Sandwich
- The scary metal version of that Rebecca Black song Friday.
- Kathy Griffin comedy special on YouTube. Oh God, it was awful
- Kid who snaps his leg doing gymnastics
- Video on hospital website of some kid getting a fish hook taken out of his eye
- BMI Pain Olympics. It's not porn... it can't be.
- Fat girl playing Wii bowling
- This Emo girl going off on "pretenders". It was horrible, I felt my sperm dying.
- Guy peeing into his own mouth
- Pictures of Snooki getting arrested
- A Craigslist ad where a 'straight' guy wanted to jack off another 'straight' guy
- Pictures on Facebook of a girl I accidentally gave a black eye to.
- Pictures of me drunkenly putting my hand dangerously far down a girl's shirt
- Morbidly flat chested girl, with huge muffin top, and back fat dressed as Princess Leia in the slave girl costume. I love that costume... that girl made me regret that.
- Anatomically correct costumes worn by a family of 4
- Guy with elephantiasis
- Goatsie
- Woman eating entire jar of Mayonnaise.
Top 25 Things I Instantly Regretted Putting in My Mouth
I guess I'm taking requests now. Chandon Vicarious (Kunz) has asked me to name 25 things that I've instantly regretted putting in my mouth. This is actually going to be a journey. I've already blocked my family from reading this. This is going to be a little embarrassing, but here goes it.
I tagged people in this, fear not, if you were tagged you weren't one of the top 25. I just tagged you because in some small way you may have been involved, or can give valuable insight.
- Moldy elephant ear (
- Calcium crust from a filter at Pet Smart
- A scary black man's mouth. I didn't put it in there... he did. It was rape.
- This super strong jalapeno pepper
- There was this girl who had extremely bad breath, and when I kissed her I regretted it
- A very green, celery, whey, and some other plant smoothie
- Post-coital labia with a fresh taste of latex
- My dog's tongue. My older brother and sister said they would give me $5 if I let our dog Mindy eat a piece of macaroni and cheese off of my tongue. It's been almost 20 years since that happened and I have yet to see a dime.
- A drill. I was getting a cavity filled, and the anesthetic didn't take.
- I forget the reason, but I tried fitting a large bottle in my mouth once. Instantly regretted it because my jaw popped.
- A bee
- Deodorant. My first few semesters in college I was a little disoriented in the morning. A few times I would accidentally put tooth paste in my hair instead of hair gel, or poke my eyes with Q-tips. One morning I tried using my deodorant as a toothbrush.
- Stress Coat. Anyone who worked at Pet Smart... I'm fucking tagging you. You all were there.
- A turnip
- A cockatiel's head. Okay, I instantly regretted it because a manager saw me do it. If you must know, the bird was alive, and actually was pretty cool with it. He was also very tame... I was young and stupid. (
- Another time working at Pet Smart I was cleaning out filters and fish poop and stuff splashed into my mouth
- Still at Pet Smart, I accidentally got dead fish juice in my mouth. It sprayed up at me... and the thing had been dead a while.
- Long Island Iced Tea. Anyone who was at Fat Jacks, will remember that. I'm tagging you bastards too.
- Venison. I love Bambi
- Road salt... the stuff they put on roads in winter. Joe Golemb and I grew up together, and I must have been a 6th grader. We were sitting near the doors waiting for our parents to finish up drinking at the bar to pick us up, when I see Joe holding this white thing. It looked like candy, and Joe was always bringing weird candy and shit to school, so I thought it was some sugary treat. He offered it to me for some reason, I popped it in my mouth, and you know the rest.
- A live wire
- A humming bird. No shit. I was in my yard one day, trying to figure out the garden hose situation, and all of a sudden there's this violent, bizarre fluttering in my mouth
- Cat litter
- Anything from Fat Sandwich. I love that shit, but I regret it later.
- This Iraqi girl I was making out with once asked me to let her feel my tongue. I felt both violated, and stupid instantly.
So much more. Well, if you have any suggestions on what I should write about next, either post it to my wall or in the comments or sext me. I don't think any other topic will be as uncomfortable to write than this.
I'm Not Shallow; I Just Don't Want Dead Babies
Why does everyone think I'm creepy? Okay, don't answer that. Why do people I don't know think I'm creepy?
So I went to the mall to snag some clothing with which to show off my enormous biceps. As I was browsing, I hear over the intercom, Security camera to section C.
I look around, and notice, I'm in section C. The only person in section C. Then I notice three employees congregating a distance away from me. They were making uncomfortable glances my way.
What the...
I decided to casually make my exit, all the while wondering what it is about me that gets people so worked up. Maybe it has something to do with the way that I go through stores. I do act like a hummingbird with ADHD and OCD when I shop. I'll walk up to a rack, feel a shirt, sit there and think about how I would look in the shirt, and how it would fit. Then I move on to another display across the store. Then I come back, fester, and move on again. I'm particular, what can I say?
Don't Taze Me
Why does everyone think I'm creepy? Okay, don't answer that. Why do people I don't know think I'm creepy?
So I went to the mall to snag some clothing with which to show off my enormous biceps. As I was browsing, I hear over the intercom, Security camera to section C.
I look around, and notice, I'm in section C. The only person in section C. Then I notice three employees congregating a distance away from me. They were making uncomfortable glances my way.
What the...
I decided to casually make my exit, all the while wondering what it is about me that gets people so worked up. Maybe it has something to do with the way that I go through stores. I do act like a hummingbird with ADHD and OCD when I shop. I'll walk up to a rack, feel a shirt, sit there and think about how I would look in the shirt, and how it would fit. Then I move on to another display across the store. Then I come back, fester, and move on again. I'm particular, what can I say?
My Mentoring Service
Nothing says "I love you" to a girl than taking her on a breath-taking tour of Italy. Unless, of course, she's not your girlfriend; barely knows who you are; and repeatedly begs you to let her go home and see her family.
This is just one of the many life lessons I had to learn on my own. But you don't have to fumble through life like I did. For only $15 a day (or a case of beer) I'm willing to be your mentor.
Guys, girls, things in-between; I'll mentor anything! You name it, I'll mentor it.
You name something foolish, or self-destructive, and I've done it. Spent too much on a friend? I did that. Drunk dialed some random chick? I did that so many times, I'm on a police watch-list.
Don't feel like paying me $15, or a case of beer? I'm willing to barter. You got old video games? That's good enough for me. Got whiskey and mouth wash instead of beer? That's fine by me. Got boobs? Jackpot!
Don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you by. At least let the $800 I spent on some girl mean something.
I see some trepidation in your eyes. "How can someone so terrible at life, be relied upon to be an effective mentor?" That's a very reasonable, yet dickish, question to be asking me. I'm actually at messing up my life. I'm actually an amazing advice giver. Don't believe me? Who do you think told the Beatles to make music?
Not me, but I would have, had I been alive back then.
My Final Will: And Damn You Poseidan
I'm going on a boat today. If I don't make it back I want you all to know that I died without a single shred of humility, or regret. I want you all to weep for a period of six weeks after the news of my death, and during my funeral I'd like for a minimum of 3 women to faint.
If they find my body, I'd like you to spare no expense filling every cavity with gems, then coating the exterior of my corpse with gold. Do this after the funeral, though. I want people to gaze upon the beauty of my face one last time before my earthly remains are committed to the marble mausoleum I expect you all to build in my honor.
I leave all my worldly electronics to my brother, my gerbils to my sister, my computer to a fire, my notes that have never been published to Ryan Reynolds, and my re-refrigerator back to my sister (since it's yours anyway). I ask that you take my ironic t-shirts and frame them, and hang the shirts in places of honor. I ask that my underwear, undershirts, and jeans be cut into pieces and sold on Ebay. With the proceeds I expect you to begin researching a cure for drowning. Then reanimate me.
To all the ladies that have mild crushes on me right now I say, "get on me". To the ladies who were in love with me, I say, "you're probably fat. Don't steal my body". To the ladies that think I'm an asshole, "perhaps if you put out a little more, and wore some make-up, I would have been a little nicer to you." To the women who are indifferent to me, "what are you gay?" To my parents, "I'm sorry... you aren't going to be proud of any of this". To my brother, "make sure when your son Levi wins the Super Bowl, he thanks me". To my sister, "stop telling me how to write my will!" To Ingrid I say, "sorry I was a bastard, and make sure my sister takes good care of my gerbils." To anyone who wants me to give them a private good-bye message (or public) please ask in the comment section, or sext me.
Just know that as I sink deeper and deeper into the dark abyss that is Lake Michigan, fighting Cthulhu in a totally rad way, I want you all to know that I will be singing in my head the final verse to Abide with Me.
Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes; shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee; in life, in death, O Lord, abide with me
And if I don't die... I will rule you all someday.
Dan's Guide to Understanding Men-Folk
Guys are generally pretty upfront about what they want, but sometimes we say stuff that can be a little confusing. I think women have a hard time interpreting the compliments we give them. So, to help the ladies out, I'm going to give you a list of words, or phrases, that men use, and what those words or phrases really mean.
"You look hot." I want to bang you, but not right now.
"You look so hot." I want to bang you, right now.
"You're looking good." I'd be willing to bang you, if I was drunk and no one knew.
"You're looking pretty good." I may bang you. You'll definitely need to lose some weight, and have some sort of reconstructive surgery on your face, though.
"Damn girl, you look fine." I'd like to bang you, but the moment I see something better I'm gonna be all up in her business.
"Damn girl, lookin' fiiiine." I'm pretending to be black in hopes that I will somehow trick myself into thinking your fat ass is attractive.
"You look gorgeous." I want to bang you, but in a classy sort of way.
"Gorgeous." I'm going to molest you.
"You look super gorgeous." I want to bang you, but have no means to do so, because I can't possibly be classy enough. The adjective, super, in the sentence actually changes the tense of the sentence from serious and focused, to almost casual and humorous.
"You look great." I might bang you, but I'm not in a hurry. You're like bread in the grocery store. Always there, never in short supply, and the least exotic thing I can put in my mouth.
"You look super great" I'd bang you, if I knew for sure you were born female.
"You look amazing." I want to bang you, take you to meet the parents, and I want to admire your teeth for a while.
"You're cute." I want to bang you, then see a movie with you and have malts afterward.
"You're so cute." I want to bang you, but I also want to bang bunnies, teddy bears, and my childhood.
"You're so fucking cute." I want to kill you, you annoy me.
"You're adorable." I want to bang you, rainbows, kitten noses and Alyssa Milano [see "You're so cute"]
"You're delicious/scrumptious." I want to bang you seductively, put you in chocolate, then literally eat you.
"You're looking sexy." You look like a pornstar, and I want to bang you.
"You're sexy." You always look like a pornstar, and I still want to bang you.
95 Answers and Bitches Ain't One
1. what are three ways to win your heart?
- Cotton Candy
- Cleavage
- Back rubs
2. do you like lightning?
Yes. Especially when it causes fire. Fire cleanses.
3. have you ever cut someone else’s hair?
Yes. Did they ask me to? No
4. last person you said ‘i hate you’ to?
I told my postman I hated her today.
5. rain or sunshine?
Is this a euphemism. I'm not gay.
6. last stupid thing you said to anyone?
I'll pay for that.
7. biggest turn off?
8. fave movie?
That movie where the pig befriends a spider, then the spider bites the pig, and then the pig bursts open and baby spiders come out of the pig, and the pig dies. That movie.
9. would you date someone who smokes?
Smokes what? I ain't no pink-lunged sissy boy.
10. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Also yes. I always wanted to date a jonesing meth addict. They're so twitchy and full of life.
11. what’s your biggest turn on, physically?
I'd have to say the boobs.
12. would you have sex w. someone you weren’t dating?
Better question: Would I have sex with someone I was dating? The answer is, depends on how long she can hold her breath.
13. have you ever missed someone and regretted breaking up with them?
I may have missed certain things. But thankfully other women had those certain things... so no.
14. have you ever dated someone more than once?
Why? If you burn your hand on a stove, are you really going to do it again?
15. if you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be?
Ryan Reynolds. Let me finish. I'm not gay, but I just want to hang out with that dude.
16. what’s your relationship status?
I'm single, bit I like to mingle.
17. do you like cuddling?
Who doesn't like squeezing bitches and holding them? People that were molested... that's who.
18. do you hold grudges?
Fuck that noise. I have a hard enough time remembering people's names. I can't remember their name and remember if I'm pissed at them or not.
19. do you regret dating anyone?
I regret nothing.
20. hugger or kisser?
Thankfully I can multitask.
21. missing someone?
I kind of miss that bunny I petted at the pet store a few weeks ago. So soft.
22. most important lesson you’ve learned from your exes?
Never ask them if they want to get their little sister in the mix. Also, be your own person, and don't let anyone define you, and never lot other people affect your mood.
23. are you happier single or in a relationship?
I'm happy all the time. If you're unhappy you do something about it.
24. how important are looks?
Fairly important if you think about it. I'm probably not going to have much in common with a 300 pound chick, or heroin addict. Nor am I physically attracted to husky bitches or skeletors. And butterfaces... well you gotta kiss that face.
It's evolution.
25. would you rather date someone who was SUPER-HOT or someone who was nice?
Super hot only goes so far. I mean, if she's hot, but the date is like getting a root canal through the dick, I'm gonna date the nice girl.
26. do you stay friends w/ the people you’ve dated?
You don't post naked pictures of them on your Flickr account, and you only date cool people.
27. would you fight over someone you wanted to be with?
Yes. But if I meet a chick at a bar, sometimes the fight isn't worth it. I haven't invested much into it, so I could go either way.
28. do you kiss on the 1st date?
I fuck on first dates.
29. if someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them?
I have this policy. If they cheat while you're dating, it's a good idea to end the relationship. Dating is the trial period. If you get married, and they cheat, you can either work it out or not. But if we're dating and she cheats, there's a very good chance it's over.
30. some random girl comes up to you and says “who the hell are you”? What do you say back?
I'm Dan Samuelson you cunt-toothed Jezebel. Now stop looking at me, because I fear you're making me fat through visual osmosis.
31. are you spoiled?
Oh, Lord, yes. But look at me.
32. name three things you would not tolerate in a relationship?
- Cutting my face while I'm asleep
- Banging a hobo for spare change
- Wincing
33. which one of your friends do you think would make a good prostitute?
Joe Golemb
34. did you miss anyone today?
Was I already asked this question? I guess, besides the bunny, I miss my LEGO room
35. last person to see you cry?
I don't cry. It would ruin the World's perception of me. I'm a motherfucking lumberjack.
36. Who/what made you cry?
Feminine hygiene at its worst... that would make me cry. If I cried.
37. are you a forgiving person?
I'm a forgiving machine!
38. would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
You talkin' three-way? Probably not... unless my best friend was a chick, and my girlfriend was all like, "let's bang your best friend." But then I'd be like, "wait, you aren't just using this situation as a stepping stone to finally come out as a lesbian are you?" Then she'd go, "actually yes." Then I'd say, "But we'd still get to have the three-way..."
39. i’ve come to realize the last person who gave me a hug…
My mom. I was having a bad day.
40. are most of your friends guys or girls?
Fair mix, really. I just think of girls as dudes with small wieners. They are to be pitied.
41. how long does it take you to get ready to go out ?
8 minutes... tops. I'm a dude, I don't need to do much to look amazing.
42. how many people do you know of named Adam ?
Uh... I'm not gay.
43. are any of your friends cheerleaders ?
Wish they were. Then I'd be all like, "pyramid time", and jump on her back and make her hold me up while I cheered.
44. what was the last thing you burnt ?
45. what is your full name?
Rod Manstrong
46 what color is the bra you have on now ?
Oh, this is totally a list of questions for chicks. Damn you Facebook!
47. do you straighten your hair every day?
Why? I shave them?
48. do you worry about the size of your boobs?
I do. Sometimes I worry if the girl's boobs are too small my friends will make fun of me.
49. are you the typical girl who’s addicted to gossip?
I'm not a girl, but I love gossip
50. what are your favorite girly magazines?
The one's with them naked ladies in them
51. did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
Only if he promises to buy me dinner, keep his hands off my muscles
52. did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
I never cry... but I do get a little vercklempt at the end of Zoolander
53. would you leave the house without makeup on?
All the damn time.
54. what’s the biggest turn on about guys?
Not having penises, having boobs, and not being guys
55. are you a girly-girl, tomboy, or in the middle?
I'm a man.
56. is pink truly the best color in the entire universe?
No... clear is.
57. what’s the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
My coat. That shit set me back $200 on sale. I look good in it though.
58. what color do you absolutely despise?
If you despise shit like colors, you're a fucking psycho
59. have you ever stole?
I steal women's hearts (and Social Security cards) all the time
60. have you set your hair on fire?
No. I'm not a moron.
61. do you wear sweat pants?
Only in the winter, to the gym.
62. do you know anyone who has lost their virginity?
Yeah, their names are everyone
63. have you ever ran into a door because you didn’t see it?
No, but a door ran into me once
64. doesn’t 50 Cent suck?
No. He is a scary black man who survived being shot. I will not anger anyone who is those two things.
65. do you like hugs and kisses(xoxo:))?
You asked that ages ago
66. do you act gangster?
I'm white, and I have a personality. So no.
67. ever made a prank phone call?
Yeah, but I couldn't imagine how shitty a prank call from a girl who answers the questions would be.
68. last kiss?
Yesterday, after I told a girl to lose weight.
69. what bill do you hate paying most?
70. where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?
71. what did you want to be when you were growing up?
Fighter Pilot, then a porn star. I hit puberty around the age of 7.
72. favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a guy?
Drink heavily
73. when did you first start feeling older?
When my knees started to hurt
74. favorite guilty pleasure?
Adopting an orphan, then giving him up to a different, even seedier, orphanage days later
75. what famous person(s) would you like to have dinner with?
Ryan Reynolds.
76. what famous person would you like to date?
Emma Stone for some reason
78. what do you hate about your school?
Their strict no nudity policy
79. last person whose bed you laid in besides your own?
I don't need a bed to pleasure a woman!
80. have you lost a friend recently?
No. They know the way back home.
81. ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?
Yes, and how
82. do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
Not a lot, but you have to so that people know you're joking
83. is it easier to forgive, or to forget?
Forget. After falling it's super hard to remember
84. do you give out second chances too easily?
So easy I'm called the Lindsay Lohan of second chances
85. is your best friend pretty?
86. is it awkward when you run into your exes?
Yeah. I'm kind of a big guy, so I feel bad if I knock them down
87. have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I call it my mobile locker room
88. can you make yourself cry?
I am an ACTOR!
89. is your life simple or complicated?
That's a choice, and my choice is simple
90. are you easily confused?
92. are you taller than 5′4″?
I'm longer than 6... er, yes,
93. have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
I love being treated like crap.
94. is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
Not mostly. All
95. does everything really happen for a reason?
Yeah, assholes.
Now that I'm Old
As most of you are aware, I'm struggling with old age issues. I wish I could turn back the sands of time, but sadly my life of excess has made that impossible. Here then, is a list of the things that I struggle doing now that I'm old, and a list of stuff that I'm better at now that I'm old.
I write these lists so that today's youth may understand the plight of the average geriatric, such as myself.
Things I have difficulty doing:
- Waking up. Every morning it feels like I slept in a ditch full of rocks and bourbon, even if I got a good 8 hours of sleep.
- Brushing my teeth. I still brush regularly, but sometimes that shit just gets old. And my arms get sore.
- Shampooing. Again so much movement involved with this. It's like a marathon to get all the shampoo out.
- Buying clothes. I try to stay hip, but what's hip is colorful and confusing.
- Picking up women is hard. I've regained the standards that I lost in my youth. Now instead of looking for a really hot girl, I look for a woman who will accept me for being a man-child, has a steady job, condo and affordable dental insurance.
- It's now much more difficult to get drunk. Most nights are spent fruitlessly taking shot after shot trying to get the girl who's coming on to me to look halfway decent.
- It's hard kneeling down these days.
- It's harder showing enthusiasm.
- Putting on pants is a challenge.
- Finding socks is another one.
- Watching television is kind of pointless. If it's not a bunch of singing, gay, high-school students, it's some short, gay, bald guy telling a girl she's too husky to wear chiffon.
- The goal of working out has changed from, "getting jacked", to "I'm bored".
- The prettiest girl I know handles my mortgage payments.
- Buying tons of alcohol gives me the respect of my peers... too bad they're all middle-aged alcoholics.
- I can no longer count on Taco Bell providing me with a sensible meal that won't ruin my entire week.
- Getting 3 hours of sleep is no longer enough to fuel me for 48 hours of no sleep.
- Pamela Anderson has gone from sex symbol to a reminder to get an STD check every 6 months.
- I don't drink tea to make fun of old people anymore. I do it so I don't die from the flu.
- There's a very real chance I will accidentally kill myself changing a light bulb.
- An ideal date now involves substantive things, and finding out who she is and what she cares about. Not nip slips anymore.
- I wonder to myself if my dog is getting enough carbohydrates in her diet.
- I wonder what this whole potassium thing is all about.
- I begin to ask really difficult questions like, who discovered milk, where's my social security, and why is my penis more tan than the rest of my body.
- I no longer rock climb to have fun. I'm just trying to off myself and make it look like an accident.
- When talking to pretty girls on Facebook, I can't help but fear they're really Chris Hanson from To Catch a Predator.
- I'm good at stuff, and people know it, so they ask me to do that stuff for them.
My Teaching Time
Forget about getting old, kids. It sucks. Every morning feels like you're picking yourself up from the world worst hangover, even though you had nothing to drink the night before. Aches, pains, saggage, weird marks on your body, and a bunch of scars no one thinks are cool anymore.
You're too cynical to want to go back in time and re-live your life. You know you'd rather kill yourself than go through high school again. Sure, back when you were a kid, and a cheerful mother fucker, you were keen as shit to go to school. Now you're world weary. It's like falling at Devil's Lake. Was it awesome? Yes. Did hitting every rock on the way down hurt? Yes. Would I consider it a defining moment in my history? Yup. Do I wanna fall off a fucking cliff again? No thank you.
You go to the gym and you see these kids strutting around like they're the cock of the block. Wait until their metabolism slows and their parents stop paying for their supplements at GNC. Wait until they realize everyone is out to steal their little piece of heaven, and the only solace they'll find is in a bar, or at Fat Sandwich.
Wait until that little princess, he can't stop blathering on about, gets knocked up by some guy named T-Wayne. Wait until his fucking standards get so low he's willing to bang a fat girl with "a nice upper lip".
Yeah, getting old lets you do cool shit. I get to buy booze and cigarettes, and drive around in rented cars. But I know this world is gonna fucking suck my soul out of my body if I'm not carefulMy Comings and Dealings
I was dancing having a great timer, and noticed a foxy little lady in the corner sipping delicately from a glass. I made my way over, grinding on whatever object got in the way of my thrusts, and made a snappy entrance.
"Girl, tell me what I gotta do to get next to you."
She must have seen me coming a mile away. How could she not? I was clearly the most attractive man-beast in there. All the ladies (and some dudes) eyes were on me. How could they not be? Her retort was coy and playful.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, guy? There's no music playing, why are you dancing?"
Well shit. I was pretty drunk. I thought music was playing. Thankfully the Lord blessed me with a quick thinking brain.
"Baby, there's music all around. But what do you say we make some of our own sweet music... in my car. [in a whisper] It has leather seats..."
She gave me this horrified, disgusted look. I've seen that look before. She was into what I was throwing down.
"If I said you had great eyes, would you hold them against me?"
"My eyes? Are you asking me if I'd put my eyes on you? What the hell is wrong with you?"
It was obvious this girl was like a fine roast nearly cooked to perfection. All I needed to do was close the deal.
"I'm gonna be up front with you. I'm the President Obama's son. That's right. He's my dad, we go way back."
"Let me get this straight, you ass hole. You, a very white stupid looking drunk guy, expect me to believe your father is the president. A BLACK guy?"
"Whoa, let's not get racial."
"No, leave. My boyfriend is gonna be here any minute and he's gonna kick your ass."
"I'm sorry, I thought for sure you'd be a liberal. This is Madison isn't it. I'm sorry my dad isn't white, lady. Why you gotta, why you gotta get your boyfriend to beat me up for that. You got a, you got a beef?"
By this time I had her pinned. The web of lies she built were beginning to unravel. It was only a matter of time before she fell to the powers of my seduction.
"Leave me alone you asshole."
"Girl, you need to check the food chain for a second. You have something we in the medical profession call 'Thunder Thighs', all right? Second your eyebrows are too thin, and your glasses make you look like a magician. Don't get me started on your tits. Are you smuggling wet socks filled with door knobs? They're sad tits. Like mournful tits. Sad like a kid with Progeria cracking all his ribs trying to catch a NERF ball... two suicide notes stuffed in a bra sad."
Things got a little heated after that. She hit me in the face and we were both removed from the premises. I think that's the last time I drink before bingo.
Dan's Guide to Flirting
It's Spring and that means ladies are wearing revealing tops. This directly correlates to an increased number of flirtations produced by men every hour. Indeed, flirtations during the warmer months are 65% higher than during months colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
I understand many people read my notes, and take to heart the advice that I give. I believe they do this for good reason; simply I'm wise, and well versed in the dance we call social interactions. Because of my Gift I will impart a few truths about flirting.
- Even though women wear push-up bras and low-cut shirts, we're still not allowed to look at their chests. I'm not sure why they wear that stuff, but they get pretty worked up if you glance at their chest. It's like a game to them.
- When buying a woman drinks, try to get her to do shots. It'll get her drunk quicker, and save you from tedious conversation.
- If a woman you're interested in is trying to pick out clothes to wear, and asks you for your opinion, kindly excuse yourself and never come back. This girl is not interested in you. You're in the friend-zone.
- Always have a strong breath mint, or piece of gum with you. You never know when some babe wants you to put your tongue in her mouth.
- Never brag about previous conquests to a girl you're flirting with. How would you feel if she talked about that time she banged a bus full of hockey players.
- Refrain from making date rape jokes. A recent study has shown 75% of a woman's day is spent fearing potential rapists.
- Women poop. Sometimes it can be worse than what comes out of men.
- Never get into a gross out contest with a woman. They are naturally better equipped at playing gross out. I mean... they got their own lady problems that are pretty horrific.
- Always hold the door open for a woman. The only exception to this rule is if the new Batman movie is out in theaters and there's only a few tickets left. Then it's every man or woman for them-self.
- Women go nuts for flowers. Which is pretty weird. Essentially you're giving her over-priced dead plants that will dry out in a few days. It makes no sense, they just love the crap.
- Nothing goes in your butt. I don't care how cute she is. Your butt is not a toy.
- Cut your toe nails.
- Don't talk about your balls. Lord knows they're the center of your universe, but you don't need her knowing that.
My Biggest Revelation Yet
The other day I was thrusting in front of the mirror, checking out what little God gave me in the muscle department, when it dawned on me.
I slammed the wine bottle I was drinking, and made my way out of my room of mirrors to tell the world what I had just realized. Since no one was home I jumped in my car, still wearing only a towel, and made my way to my Fortress of Danitude: Target.
If you're a regular reader of my adventures you know that I love Target, I love their mirror aisle, and I'm not allowed in there because I broke a geriatric security guard's hip.Nonetheless, this revelation was too grande to let a restraining order get in my way.
I burst through the automatic doors and screamed, "Nobody fucking move!"
The geriatric security guard, still healing from the hip-replacement, dove to the ground whimpering, "that asshole's come to finish me off..."
In retrospect probably could have toned my entrance down, but I was in the moment, and the world needed to hear the gospel. I grabbed one of the employee's radio's and screamed, "bring 6 large mirrors to the front. High-gloss, ASAP". I then turned to a growing formation of confused red shirts.
"Lock the exits, round up all the shoppers and employees. Bring everyone to the front of the store. Don't be a hero."
They must have felt the urgency in my voice, because they did everything I asked in record time. I guess this is how Paul felt when he preached the Good News to the Ephesians.
As soon as everyone had gathered around, and the 6 mirrors I requested were situated, I began to tell the people what I had learned.
"My dear people, I have figured out what the deal with the Easter Bunny is. The day we celebrate Easter changes every year, so it basically "hops" around the calendar. What else hops? Bunnies. Hence the Easter Bunny is a great metaphor for Easter!"
I don't think many of them understood what I was saying. But no one understood what Einstein was babbling about until well after he died from that drug overdose in Graceland. They just sat there, some of them weeping, furrowing their brows.
I'm just too smart for the 21st century.
The Things I Did on My Summer Hiatus
Come May I will not have a job for a month (or more). Therefore I'll need some things to do. Here are a few things I have planned:
- Get some of that sweet unemployment money I hear about
- Finally finish shaving my cats
- Try to sleep in every room in my home
- Try to sleep outside without being eaten by a bear, coyote, or raccoon
- Lure squirrels with a kiddie pool filled with seeds and berries
- Work on personal fitness
- Work on becoming a functioning alcoholic like Charlie Sheen
- Counsel gerbils. Plead with them to stop breeding
- Finally write up my will
- Landscaping
- Manscaping
- Capture an outdoor bird to see if it will befriend me
- Call around, see what pizza places will deliver to my address
- Write fan mail to Ryan Reynolds and Ellen Page
- Try to determine if Emma Watson is attractive
- Lust after gold
- Watch The Simpsons. See what jokes I've been missing
- Quietly weep in the shower
- Go to Assisted Living home in gorilla suite. Try to startle the elderly
- Overcome fear of toilet
- Pretend I'm retired and make it a routine to visit a local diner daily. Get to know staff and regulars.
- Try my hand at pimping
- Go down to Chicago. Sell my wares from the back of van.
- Finally discover why I keep waking up naked, despite going to bed fully clothed
- Teach neighborhood children that anything is possible... unless you have MS
- Extort protection money from lemonade selling child
- Go to the zoo. Attempt to feed the polar bear seal
- Capture small Mexican child. Call him Pele. Raise him as my own
- Befriend ants. Learn from them
- Ask Pope for money
The Humble Fly
As the sun warms our little spot on this mostly blue planet, I'm reminded of the tiny bugs and insects scrambling to survive. I've always fought for the plight of the our minuscule comrades, as far back as fourth grade.
Ah yes, I remember the first time I realized the quiet majesty of these creatures when two house fly decided to land on my leg and mate. It was during one of my fourth grade teacher's numerous lectures.
I sat there stunned as these two bugs went at it on my knee. I dared not swoosh them away, because even at that tender age I knew that what was happening on my knee was beautiful.
Like a child seeing his parent's wrestle for the first time, I was confused, and unsure of what to do. I decided to recruit the assistance of my teacher. I raised my hand...
"Mrs. Cuff, these flies are mating on my leg".
"Well, just swap them, Daniel."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I just can't!"
From that moment on I realized that all creatures were just like me. Just trying to survive, and get some ass whenever possible. Those mightily humble creatures had enough to worry about in their short lives. Who was I to ruin, what could have been, the happiest moments of those bugs' lives?
And now, today, I try to let bugs live their life. When I play basketball I take care not to crush the little ants scurrying about the court. When swimming I go to great lengths to save drowning bugs. I save bugs and insects from certain death at the multiple hands of spiders.
In fact when I see a spider trying to eat a hapless bug I try to show the spider that it doesn't need to suck the life force out of other animals. I try to show the spider that it can survive on tofu and strawberries.
The world is a harsh place for these little creatures. Why must we add to their growing list of problems?
Oh and fuck mosquitoes, those things are bastards.